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Agenda Es sprechen Studenten über ihre abgeschlossenen Diplomarbeiten und Systementwicklungsprojekte. Am Mittwoch, 08.11.17, ab 10:00 Uhr, im Raum Mc. Carthy (01.11.051):
Practical Safety Challenges: An Online Survey of Safety Practitioners’ Demands, Problems and ExpectationsOver the past few years safety engineering practice has witnessed immense change in safety requirements. Technological advancements have lead to emergence of complex safety critical systems such as self-driving cars, surgical robots and cyber-physical systems. The field of safety engineering on the other hand is not evolving at the same pace as these technologies. This has lead to significant challenges rendering the role of safety practitioners more complex as safety requirements are becoming more diverse. This study examines the current challenges that safety practitioners are facing in ensuring safety and reliability of safety critical systems. In particular it will investigate the applicability of the available safety methods, standards and techniques as well as the adequacy of safety practitioners' skills and expertise. Furthermore, we pay attention to other factors such as IT-security, management in uence and perception of safety among co-workers, that impact the role and responsibilities of safety practitioners. In order to achieve the objectives of this research, an empirical study was conducted using a survey. The survey addressed several research hypotheses derived from the available literature for the purpose of this study. With a total of 152 participants we were able to collect data pertaining to these hypotheses. We then conducted quantitative and qualitative data analysis using the statistical programming language R and open coding respectively to draw conclusions. We observe considerable challenges that practitioners are facing such as lack of adequate safety methods and analysis techniques, lack of collaboration from non-safety co-workers as well as limited resources and schedule pressure. These results indicate that safety engineering's traditional practice does indeed require evolvement. To meet the current safety demands, it is essential to adapt safety activities to current state of the art technologies. Future research should thus focus on recommendations for safety practitioners, their co-workers and management on how to update safety methods and better integrate safety engineering into the systems development process. |